Bodegas De Alberto, example of Sustainability in the Good Practices Guide for Wine Tourism in Spain

The winery represents Rueda in this guide published by Spanish Wine Routes, which in 2022 already recognized Bodegas De Alberto as the Best Wine Tourism Corner in Spain

Bodegas De Alberto has been chosen as the exemplary winery in Sustainability to represent the Rueda Wine Route within the 'Guide to Good Sustainable Practices in Wine Tourism', published by the Spanish Association of Wine Cities (ACEVIN). The guide includes the best examples of Wine Tourism in Spain in environmental, social and economic sustainability.

The creation of a unique wine tourism experience that unites history and oenological innovation linked to the renowned and unique De Alberto Dorado wine, as well as the preservation of the environment through the conservation of its 17th century underground winery have been the good practices of Bodegas De Alberto highlighted by ACEVIN for inclusion in the guide.

The most highlighted aspect by ACEVIN in choosing Bodegas De Alberto as the representative winery of the Rueda Wine Route in the guide has been its commitment to sustainability in wine tourism, through fusion between history and oenology

“Visits to Bodegas De Alberto are a unique experience that fuses the rich wine history with responsible practices, ensuring the continuity of its legacy for generations to come,” as explained in the guide.

This historical legacy maintained by the Gutiérrez family has as maximum representative of Alberto Dorado wine, of which Bodegas De Alberto "have been the only producers for 82 years without interruption, and which is currently awarded and protected by the European Community."

Bodegas de Alberto is currently the only traditional producer of Dorado from the Rueda Denomination of Origin under the exclusive oxidative aging method in demijohns exposed to the sun for a minimum of twelve months and with subsequent aging in soleras, preserving a mother wine of more than 80 years. 

It is a traditional work that has been passed from generation to generation and has maintained exactly the same artisanal production techniques year after year since the beginning of the 40s. 

The preservation of around through the conservation of its underground cellar from the 17th century It has been another of the measures highlighted by ACEVIN as a good practice that allows responsible use of resources. The protection of this historic infrastructure, in addition to representing an important heritage value, prevents the construction of new facilities, thereby reducing the environmental footprint.

This preservation of the historical and generational legacy is considered a responsible practice that contributes to local economic development, minimizing the environmental impact and promoting the long-term sustainability of the winery's activity.

Best Wine Tourism Corner in Spain

Already in 2022, Bodegas De Alberto received the prestigious ACEVIN Award for the Best Wine Tourism Corner in Spain for the uniqueness of this unique space that houses 7,900 demijohns that create a dreamlike and tremendously attractive image. For the granting of this award, the maintenance of the tradition of making Dorado wine by Bodegas De Alberto was highlighted, as well as the union achieved between tradition and modernity, and the possibility that the winery offers the general public to get closer to aspects little known in the world of wine.

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