During the year 2021 Bodegas de Alberto managed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 38.53 %
Fulfilling its commitment to protect and care for the environment, Bodegas de Alberto obtains for the second consecutive year the 'Calculo y Reducco' seal granted by the Spanish Office for Climate Change, within the process of Registration of carbon footprint, compensation and projects of CO2 absorption established by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO).
This badge is awarded to companies that calculate and record their carbon footprint for a minimum of four years and that have a plan to reduce their emissions to make their reduction commitment effective. In addition, and according to the guidelines established by MITECO, the average ratio of emissions for the first three years must be higher than the average ratio for the last three years. In this case, for Bodegas De Alberto the average from 2018 to 2020 was 0.042 while for the three-year period 2019-2021 it was 0.026.
The reduction of CO2 emissions has been achieved thanks to a progressive action plan that began in 2014 and which during the year 2021 has made it possible to avoid the emission of 179.59 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, which means the reduction of 38.53 % of emissions.
All the actions carried out to achieve this objective are part of the firm commitment that Bodegas de Alberto maintains with the environment, as also demonstrated by its adherence to the Decalogue of comprehensive sustainability of the agri-food industry since February 8, 2018.
About the stamp 'I calculate and reduce'
The label 'Calculate and Reduce' was born with a double purpose. On the one hand, it makes it easier for organizations to demonstrate their commitment through participation in the registry and, on the other hand, it makes it possible to reflect the degree of effort undertaken by them in the fight against climate change. In this sense, it has been considered opportune to distinguish between those organizations that calculate their carbon footprint and are on the path of reducing their emissions, from those that already reduce and/or compensate. The seal, therefore, makes it possible to identify, for a defined period (which will be annual), three levels of participation: calculation of the carbon footprint, reduction and/or compensation.